If you have visited our boutique, the chances are you've already met her; Stephanie, Outfyt's Founder. If not, we can't wait to meet you!
Check our opening hours out and if you can't visit us at those times slots you can make an appointment with us here and we will be happy to get to know you outside our regular walk-in hours.
Stephanie is all about giving everyone their own time to look around the boutique, feeling and comparing the super soft fabrics, amazing designs and large range of colours. By the time you have asked all the questions you need and tried on a mountain of activewear, you will leave feeling you made a new friend.
Although the best way of getting to know Stephanie is to visit the Outfyt boutique, we have asked her some questions in case you prefer to shop online.

As Outfyt's Founder, you are hands-on in all parts of running your business, what do you like doing the most?
Stephanie: By being involved in all the tasks and stages of running my business I feel confident that it is being done the way I intended it to and I never get bored. I LOVE all aspects of the creative process and I find value in all my work tasks but what I procrastinate the most is admin and accounting. Eeek!
Where do you see yourself in 3 years time?
Stephanie: That's hard to say as the world is in an unpredictable place, but I hope all my hard work has paid off and that I have established my brand in a few overseas locations.
"Life is full of ups and downs - we call them squats!"
With all the work you put into your brand do you have time for a private life?
Stephanie: Oh yes! Work life balance is very important, I love to stay active and try new sports and activities which I think is a part of work in a way as well. I always get inspiration by getting into something new like long-boarding or golf.
What is the your favourite Outfyt design?
Stephanie: That is an extremely difficult question as I love them all! If I had to choose, it would probably be the Tula Crop Top. I wear it all the time, be it to exercise in or paired with jeans on a daily basis. Sneaking in a second favourite here, the Nova Crew Neck T-Shirt. It's super soft, thin and sweat wicking, absolutely perfect for Singapore's weather.
What can we expect from Outfyt next?
Stephanie: I'm working on a few different collections for Outfyt right now. A little hint - A few designs that are specific to a certain sport that became very popular during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder Outfyt's Founder